There are currently two rather exceptional art exhibitions on display in Paris.
1. An exhibition of Egyptian antiquities which were recovered from the sea by French underwater archeologists is on display at the Grand Palais in Paris. The show is called “Sunken Egyptian Treasures”, and it includes 489 pieces covering 1,500 years of Egyptian history. It includes statues and other artwork, pieces of money, and objects of every day life. The show is open every day from 10am to 8pm, and stays open to 10pm on Wednesdays. The show runs until 16 March. The address is:Nef du Grand Palais (Nave of the Grand Palais), avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris
2. An exhibition entitled “Afghanistan Treasures Found”. Collections of the national museum of Kabul” is on display at the Guimet Mueum in Paris. This impressive collection includes golden jewels, Greco-roman glass goblets, and ivory Indian goddesses, among many other items. All in all there are 220 items on display ranging from 2,000 B.C. to the 3rd century AD. The story of their preservation is just as impressive as the works themselves.
The Communists hid the collection in 1989 and locked it in a secret location. There were 7 keys to the main lock, and they were all held by separate people, which is an old Afgan tradition. The Taliban tried in vain to locate the collection but did not succeed. The exhibition is open every day excepts Tuesdays from 10am- 8pm. The cost is 7 euros.
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